Basic Globe and Angle Valve Design

Basic Globe and Angle Valve Design ...highly essential to piping

Unlike the perpendicular seating in gate valves, globe valve seating is parallel to the line of flow. All contact between seat and disc ends when flow begins. These are advantages for more efficient throttling of flow, with minimum wire drawing and seat erosion.

The directly proportionate relation of size of seat opening to number of turns of handwheel, a distinctive feature of plug-type globe valves, permits close flow regulation. An operator can gauge the rate of flow by the number of turns of the wheel.

Shorter disc travel - with fewer turns required to operate globe valves - saves considerable time and work - also wear on valve parts.

Whatever wear occurs as the result of frequent or severe operation presents less of a maintenance problem than in gate valves. Seat and disc in most globe valves can be repaired without removing the valve from the pipe line.

CONCLUSION: Globe valves, while not recommended where resistance to flow and pressure drop would be objectionable, are generally ideal for throttling, and preferable for frequent operation.

Basic Angle Valve Design

The angle valve effectively utilizes globe valve seating principle while providing for a 90 degree turn in piping. It is less resisting to flow than the globe valve it displaces. Requires fewer joints; saves makeup time and labor.